вторник, 10 мая 2016 г.

My new prayer to the Most Important God and to all his guys (folks).

"Oh, My Dear The Most Important and principle God, the Lord! The Real Owner of our Universe!
My Very Important God! 
Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
My Love to God is the Supreme happiness and joy for me!
I'd like to be a friend and assistent to God, to the Lord, to the
Owner of the Universe!

I repent, I'm sorry and I ask forgiveness for all negative, aggressive emotions which I had ever in my soul. 
I repent, I'm sorry and I ask forgiveness for all my brutal, violent,
aggressive, negative actions and deeds, which I've done in all my
lives. Dear God, the Lord!
You see everything, You know me better than I know myself; You can do
everything, and I love You! Give me the light, the grace and the power
of Your Energy, of the Holy Spirit!
I must keep on loving God when human happiness is lost.
It's the rejecting of everything that prevents love: hatred, offence,
blame and dejection.
It's to see the will of God in everything which is around.
Sure, I do accept the will of God & its divine positive meaning, which is
not always dependent on Me.
I understand the fact that any situation, however unjust and horrible
it may be, leads Me to God and hence to love. Since God, the Lord,
Creator, is the symbol of the greatest love in the Universe.
So, I think that we must love our God with our whole heart and with
our whole soul and with our whole mind and with our whole strength.
because He is good & great
But I'm just a poor homeless at the moment. Already 12 years I have no place to go and I have no flat to live. 
I spent all my money for phylantropical projects and now
I'm in a very complicated situation in this frosty winter in Moldova (Chisinau) where i live. 
I have no place to stay and I have no money to buy me bread and another products of meal. 
My life is like a nightmare. I can die any moment; and i don't know what shall I do next day. 
I can not work hard because I'm a spiritual person, but cruel enemies all ariund me.
They don't let me to live and push me to die. Help me please, to survive, to be happy.  
Dear God, the Lord, My Very Important God! I'm unhappy and ill (sick). 
My Dear God is good & greatHe is the King of those who rule as kings
and Lord of those who rule as lords, the one alone having immortality,
who dwells in unapproachable light, whom not one of men has seen or
can see. To Him be honor and might everlasting! Now to the King of
eternity, incorruptible, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory
forever and ever.
Dear Lord! Be a tender brother to me and protect me wherever I am, like the apple
of Your eye.
Make me always a worthy son; have mercy on me!
20 january 2016  
                                                                                            V.G. Bogatchev

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